The Latest Blog Posts

In my blog posts, I will be focusing on health topics to begin with. We will talk about exercise, eating right, weight management, and medicine.

I hope you find my blog informative and fun and that you leave me a comment. Then come back often to see what’s new. In the meantime, be well and be your wonderful self!

Please read my DISCLAIMER regarding anything on my health blog below.

Natural Pain Killers

We all hate pain. So it’s understandable that many people seek out any pain remedy they can locate. Today, the remedy of choice for pain

The Danger of Diabetes

Let’s talk today about a diabetes, a very serious illness that can lead to: kidney failure, blindness, hardening and narrowing of arteries, coronary artery disease

When we face a sudden threat, stress is a protective bodily reaction. But stress is not protective when it takes the form of constant worry


What Is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is a wellness and pain-relief technique devised in China over 5,000 years ago. The technique is based on the principle that

Hypertension—also called high blood pressure—is an extreme threat to health. Yet this dangerous ailment often has no obvious symptoms. As a result, many of the

Exercise for Life

When we were kids, we could play from morning ‘til night, never seeming to get tired. But as bodies aged, energy waned, and for many